Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve - Accident & Emergency Tips!

Hi there,

It's new year's eve! Some of us will be bringing in the new-year partying away from home at a club, farm-house or a friend's place. Here are a few tips to ensure that you and your loved ones arrive home safely after the party.

1. The most obvious, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. Take your driver or hire a cab.

2. Do not speed while driving. If you have a driver, brief him not to driver fast even if the roads are empty. A simple puncture at high speed may cause the car to over-turn.

3. Stop at the traffic junction even if there's a green light, amber blinkers or no lights. Make sure there are no speeding vehicles approaching the junction. If there are any, wait for them to pass.

4. Car drivers must wear a seat-belt, and bikers a helmet - even if you're going half a kilometer away from home. Most accident fatalities occur due to head and neck injuries, and a seat-belt/helmet provides a level of protection from these.

5. If you are involved in a high-speed crash and are injured but conscious, do not move with a jerk or let anyone else more you forcibly. Remain calm, move out of the vehicle slowly and try to evaluate your injuries. Here are some steps to help yourself and others:


Some numbers you can call for immediate help in different cities.

Ahemadabad - 108/100
Bangalore - 103/1062/100
Chennai - 100/1066
Delhi - 100/102/1099
Gurgaon - 100/2320100/4585666
Hyderabad - 108/100/1066
Jaipur - 108
Kolkata - 100/22485277
Mumbai - 100/102/1298
Noida - 100/2444444

If your city is not mentioned here, find out the Accident-care or Police helpline number and feed them in your phone as speed-dial before you leave your house tonight.

b. If you are bleeding heavily, take off your shirt, chunni or pagri and use it to apply pressure on the wound, if possible by tying a knot. Use someone's help if you're unable to do so. THIS MUST BE DONE IF THE BLEEDING IS FROM STOMACH OR THIGH.

c. If your back hurts, move to side of the road and lie still on your back. Wait for help to arrive. If someone is moving you, try and make sure your spine is as straight as can be.

d. If you are feeling dizzy or fear that you will get unconscious, move to the road-side and lie on your left side with your left arm under your head. This will ensure that your tongue or blood in the mouth does not block your airway while you are unconscious.

e. If a foreign object has entered your body, do not take it out or let anyone else take it out. Remain calm, and try to get to a hospital as soon as possible.

Lastly, if you witness an accident, please don't drive away. At the very least, call for help. You can also help the victim by saying soothing words such as "You will be fine", "It's not a major injury", "Help is on the way", etc. This will help prevent the victim going into shock, and calm him/her down.

Have a safe, joyous and successful 2009!


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